Thursday, September 9, 2010

EOC: Wk 9 "Network"

The film “Network” (1976) deals with how the social media dictates what we the people view on television, radio, etc. While watching this film you may not realize the hidden messages you would see if you have not taken this marketing research class. You can see how they research different segments of the news and programming to see what would get the ratings and attention of consumers so they stay afloat and on top of their game.

Faye Dunaway’s character depicts a woman obsessed with ratings and programming. You see her contacting different states to see how the ratings are and if the show is taking off or not. You have to be fully dedicated to this research and engulf yourself in it. She conducts primary research but in a different way I think. She gets hints or ideas that no one else sees and can visualize a show from it. It may be assumed to be secondary because its ideas from other people but I see it as primary because the ones originally thinking f this idea have no clue this is a great idea; Perfect for ratings.

They use newspapers, radicals any one that can easily have a story and could possibly gain popularity and ratings. But once ratings drop you can see they even do research to how to end a show. In this case killing off the host was the only way they thought possible. It was a convenient way to get ratings, and get rid of the show. Unbelievable of how networks work and how they research their audience and how to grab ratings.

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